food waste

Food Waste – The Big Picture

Food waste occurs along the entire spectrum of production, from the farm to distribution to retailers to the consumer. Reasons include losses from mold, pests, or inadequate climate control; losses from cooking; and intentional food waste. [1] This waste is categorized differently based on where it occurs: Wasted food has far-reaching effects, both nationally and globally. […]

Campaign News

Mexican Diplomat Victoria Romero joins the #NoWasteNoHunger campaign

Victoria Romero, the Mexican diplomat, joins #NoWasteNoHunger campaign. She joined the Mexican Foreign Service in 1992. Currently serves as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mexico in Azerbaijan, Embassy of Mexico to Azerbaijan Previously, she served as Coordinator for G20, MIKTA, and European Affairs in the Deputy Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign […]


UK to join global coalition to combat food waste

The UK is set to join the UN Food System Summit (UNFSS) Coalition on Food is Never Waste, pledging to work with other nations to reduce the amount of food that is wasted globally. The UK has this week confirmed its intention to join the UNFSS, which commits members to halve food waste globally by […]

Campaign News

Fighting food waste at home: Small steps, big impact

One and a half billion. That’s about how many chicken wings Americans prepared to eat during the Big Game, the second largest food consumption day of the year after Thanksgiving. If that’s not mind-boggling enough, Americans throw away one-third of their food every year. If a similar pattern followed on Sunday, nearly half a billion wings ended up […]

Campaign News